Meet AJ Roberts...Fitpreneur, Marketing Icon, Iron-clad Teddy Bear

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You're about to witness some real Marketing Muscle in today's episode with AJ Roberts. If it's true that "How you do one thing is how you do everything," then it's no surprise that the man who conquered the world of powerlifting has made such a big splash in the marketing world...

AJ Roberts is a fitness hall of famer with a world record squat and he's the bestselling co-author of the book Change Agents. He's a two time world record holder in powerlifting and rumor has it, he once made Chuck Norris do his dishes. (That's unsubstantiated, but since you're reading it on the internet, it must be true)

AJ is also the world's premiere fitness marketing consultant, pursued by gyms, supplement companies, trainers and anyone looking to take their revenue, business, and ultimately life to the highest levels.

He's also one the most sincere, genuine and gentle souls you could meet and has a gift for showing others how to dream bigger than they thought was possible while he helps them plan the steps necessary to achieve even the loftiest goals.

I invited AJ to the show so he can share with us his bacon wrapped strategies for getting guaranteed results, running a powerful referral system, and helping people get that mindset that anything is possible as long as you think huge.

Here’s what we discussed:

7:09 - AJ’s back story growing up in England and moving to America

9:54 - How to set higher goals

10:21 - Greaking the all time world powerflifting record

13:22 - Deciding to get his health back, losing weight and stepping on the bodybuilding stage

14:13 - The power of delayed gratification and how to master it

16:23 - How AJ chooses his coaches and his advice for you

23:48 - Building a vision around Growth, Experience, and Contribution

25:42 - Living in a limited reality: Why people can’t think beyond their current situation

27:41 - The importance of getting help from a mentor

33:35 - Running The Fitness Profit Workshop and mastermind groups

35:45 - People AJ is working with now

43:22 - Implementing perfect referral systems

48:54 - How to raise your fees and create the ripple effect

54:14 - Selling what you do vs. selling the results

59:34 - Outsourcing personal vs. business tasks, which should you delegate first?

62:43 - Decision fatigue and how to avoid it


The Fitpreneurs Podcast

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