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(Transcript also available at the link above)

Online marketing has never been easier to do... but more difficult to do effectively. Tools and software make getting started easy (much easier than when I began in 2008). But it's become crowded and hard to stand out in a noisy marketplace.

That's why I invited my friend Mike Filsaime to join me on the show today and discuss what's working for him and his company right now AND where he sees the opportunities in the very near future.

Meet Mike Filsaime Watch The VIDEO of this episode by clicking here

Mike began his career in the car industry and began earning a full time income by marketing products and software online in 2002. Since then he's become a leading expert in how to get traffic and how to convert that traffic profitably. He's also built many software tools along the way that make it easier for business owners to get online and make money quickly.

He and his partner, Andy Jenkins are the owners of a software that competes with GotoWebinar (called WebinarJam) and the Genesis-line of training products. In addition he has created a multi-million dollar marketplace for experts to publish information products called DealGuardian.

Mike has had tremendous success and has proven to be an open book full of strategies that give entrepreneurs the edge to navigate a confusing marketplace.

That's why I'm excited to have him as a guest on Bacon Wrapped Business.

Here's What You'll Discover In This Episode

How to use Pre-Framing in your marketing to increase conversions
Why "getting traffic" is EASY and the mindshift you must make
One simple trick on an order form that made 20% more people buy Mike's upsells
A secret Paypal strategy almost nobody is using that increased Mike's conversions by 33%
How to use the 10/80/10 rule of writing salescopy

-What Mike says is the biggest unexploited advertising method and how to use it... ethically steal your competitor's traffic
Where Mike sees the #1 opportunity for next year in digital marketing

Here's a few of the sites and services mentioned

Webinar Jam
Traffic Genesis
Video Genesis


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