Being unique in your niche will always bring you to greater heights, especially in the world of marketing. David Reiss, the CEO of TouchCR and The Marketing Mastery Group, walks us through how his career evolved and gladly shares his secret to his marketing success. He talks about his marketing style and how making yourself as your competition can sometimes work, especially when others copy you. In today's show, learn how to compete at the highest level as David shows how you can eliminate ego and bias in your business and break negative marketing patterns to pave the way for better and fresher ideas. Prepare to know more about David’s amazing marketing strategies in this episode.

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

How David started off as a 13 year old marketing consultant and saving a family friend's company
His "hot seat" strategy used at a speech that catapulted his credibility at a very young age with big time CEO's
Unique ways to increase a company's Valuation
How O.C.D. = Higher Valuations
How a 200 page spiral bound notebook saved David $1million on a software company acquisition
A masterful marketing strategy David used with a home-battery client who was competing with Tesla. (Remarkable!)
The Biggest Secret In Marketing is ______
How a simple Sold Tag on a sofa helped turn around a furniture company's sales
Why and how to create your own competition
What he thinks about Jeff Bezo's strategies
How to use "Time Travel" to prevent disasters and open doors of opportunity in planning your business
And much more

Learn more about David and get the full shownotes at

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