Starting and running your own business can be a headache. However, it doesn’t have to be detrimental, especially when you can reap great rewards.

Roland Frasier, the Managing Partner at DigitalMarketer, talks about buying a company with zero money and getting other people to pay you for the privilege of running it.

Sharing the experiences that led him to his success today, he lends some advice for those who are starting their business aiming to buy a company or negotiating on getting one.

Discover how you can leverage relationship-building techniques as well as technologies and apps to find bigger opportunities to grow your business in today' show.

Here’s What We’ll Cover in Today’s Episode:

Why sometimes it’s necessary to bifurcate your job and carve out the part that you don’t like doing and pay someone else to do it for you
Thinking bigger and looking for the most highly leveraged opportunities
Some of Roland’s favorite business wins and deals
Finding ways to add value to companies and to people and make yourself indispensable to them - to a point where they ask you to stay on board!
Positioning yourself either directly or indirectly with the people that you ultimately want to do business with
How to have a business without paying for it – finding funding for your business or ventures
Messaging platforms and how people are using automation within those

Learn more about Roland and get the full shownotes at

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