Previous Episode: Invisible
Next Episode: Authority

Okay, I know it’s middle of summer and it’s HOT! But let’s talk about snowflakes. Have you heard that every snowflake is different? There are never two that are exactly the same. I always think that’s so cool to think about! But even cooler than snowflakes is the fact that there are never two people who are alike either. Our great God is such a magnificent creator that He never runs out of ideas and since the beginning of time has made each and every human unique. Not like anyone else. 

Think about that. There has never been anyone JUST like you. And there never will be anyone JUST like you. YOU are the only YOU that there will ever be! 

The Bible tells us that God knit us together in our Mama’s belly. I always love to think of God literally making me piece by piece in just the exact way He wanted me to be made. It’s like He’s sitting at His craft table with the supplies…paper and scissors and glue and glitter and crayons and …well, you get the point. ALL the supplies you could dream of! And He knows just where He wants each piece to go on each person. He doesn’t mess up and have to redo it. Even what WE might think of as a mistake, isn’t. He fully planned on making you in that way! No mess ups. No need for redos.

Even His timing of WHEN and WHERE He made you is unique. He didn’t make you 1,000 or 100 years ago, no He made you to be born on the EXACT day you were born. He wanted you to be alive in 2021 listening to this podcast just like you’re doing now! And ever further, He wanted you to live WHERE you are living in the world right now. Your exact neighborhood is unique – just for you! He makes no mistakes even in the details! 

Acts 17:26b says that “he decided exactly when they should live. And he decided exactly where they should live.” So this means that God, Himself, said I want YOU to live now and in this exact spot. The exact place you are now living. No mess ups. No need for redos.

But why would He go to all that trouble? I mean it’d be a lot easier if He just had one big God-sized cookie cutter to make people out of. And we’d probably all end up looking like gingerbread men and women. Then He could make people in big batches, right? 


So when we think about God making us piece by piece when He was creating us in our Mom’s belly, He wasn’t just using a cookie cutter. He was taking His time putting each piece and detail together. You’re not just any ole cookie, are you?! How awesome and exciting is it that God created you piece by piece, uniquely YOU, to live today and put you in the exact place where you are right now? 

And if He went to ALL the trouble, then He has GREAT and EXCITING plans for your life. He’s got mighty adventures ahead of you! Adventures that can have eternal impact – that means your adventures could change things forever. Wow!

When you start to understand how He planned out and created every detail of your life, then you can start to get excited about what that means for His plans for your life.


1.     What does it mean in Acts 17:26b when it says He determines exactly the time and place that we should live?

2.     How did God make you unique or special?

3.     How can God use YOU in the exact places in which He’s placed you? Like your neighborhood, school, friends, etc. How can He use you there?

One last time before we sign off, let’s practice Acts 17:26b together. Since we are only focusing on the second half of the verse, that’s why we say “b” after the verse reference. That let’s us know it’s just a portion of the verse. You can repeat after me. Acts 17:26b “he decided exactly when they should live. And he decided exactly where they should live.” Acts 17:26b

*Music: Forest by Vlad Gluschenko

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