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Invisible. You know, when you can’t see something with your own two eyes but  you know it’s there. It almost sounds like a super power. Like if I was playing hide and seek and could suddenly make myself invisible, how cool would that be? I’d win every time! 

While I don’t see myself being able to become invisible any time soon, there ARE things in our world that are invisible. Can you think of some things that are invisible? 

What about God? Is He invisible? Humm. That’s interesting to think about. Right now, if you wanted to, could you see God with your own two eyes? The answer is tricky. The simple answer is “no.” The more complicated answer is “no, but I can see EVIDENCE of Him.”

What does THAT mean?! Sounds confusing, but the Lord has actually given us a great example of this to help us understand. When we think of God being invisible I like to think of it like the wind. Can you see the wind? No. Do you know that the wind is real? Sure! Can you tell where the wind is blowing? Definitely. The wind is an invisible force that can pack a power punch in a storm or it can be gentle and refreshing at other times. 

Do you believe in the wind? Hah, okay that’s a silly question. Who doesn’t believe in the wind? We can’t see it, but we know its there. We’ve never wondered if it was real or not because we can SEE what the wind can do. In other words, we can see the evidence of the wind. We can feel it blowing our hair. We can see it waving in the trees. We can even hear it with our ears sometimes. We can’t SEE the wind itself, but we can certainly feel it and see the effects it has on everything when it’s blowing.

This is how our great God is! Though we cannot see Him, we can feel Him and see what He is doing around us if we are looking. We shouldn’t wonder whether or not He’s there just because we can’t see Him, just like we shouldn’t question whether or not the wind is real just because we can’t see it or touch it....


Romans 1:20 tells us “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” 

That verse is longer than we normally have but it’s packed with so much great truth!  Romans 1:20 is telling us that ever since God created this big beautiful world, everything that we can see and experience and enjoy all point to who He is and actually helps us to understand Him. So next time you see, feel or hear the wind think about God and how He is like the wind!

Here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss or just generally review together when it’s over. Oh, and this is important! There’s no wrong answer to these! The point is to get conversation flowing. So don’t overthink it!

1.     What does the Bible tell us about God being invisible?

2.     How is God like the wind?

3.     Do you think its cool or confusing that God is invisible to us? And why?

One last time before we sign off, let’s practice Romans 1:20b together. Since it’s a pretty long verse we are going to just say the middle half, which I why we say “b” after the verse reference. That let’s us know it’s just a portion of the verse. You can repeat after me. “Through everything God made, we can clearly see His invisible qualities.” Romans 1:20b

You’ve been listening to Backseat Bible Nuggets. A podcast for kids about God’s great love for them and His written word. Parents you can check out more resources at We’re honored you listened and pray deep roots grow in the lives of your backseaters as you go along the way.

Music: Forest by Vlad Gluschenko

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