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Backroom Politics

325 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 4 years ago - ★★★★ - 5 ratings

THE BEST POLITICAL TALK SHOW YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF! Moderated by Washington insider Justin Russell... Join Allen Moore, Dan Lipner, and Rear Admiral Ken Carodine as they take an uncensored look at Washington politics.

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NEW NAFTA? Does this end the Continental Trade War?

December 06, 2018 21:00 - 58 minutes - 52.3 MB

Trump forced a Congressional move by creating a trade agreement with Mexico and Canada and with all the headlines circulating, what went unnoticed? The table in the Backroom gives you their opinion on the biggest stories of the week.

Remembering "41"... The life, the legacy, the love of President George H.W. Bush

December 05, 2018 21:00 - 55 minutes - 50.1 MB

The team discusses the life and the legacy of the President simply known as "41"... President George H.W. Bush.  

BACKROOM POLITICS - IN DEPTH: What did we miss this week?

November 28, 2018 21:00 - 56 minutes - 51.2 MB

We are now in the heat of the holiday season... the Table talks about all of the stories that we missed over the Thanksgiving holiday

Troubling Times in the White House!

November 27, 2018 21:00 - 57 minutes - 51.9 MB

Backroom Politics is back, and here to talk about what exactly is happening in the White House. Over the past two weeks the EPA issued a report on climate change, which was buried in the Black Friday news cycle. Trump ignored a CIA report advising him on foreign affairs, and GM is closing plants!

Midterm Recap, Who Won and by What Margin?

November 07, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 106 MB

All 50 states held midterm elections on Tuesday November 6th... but a blue wave break? 

How Do We Turn Out the Vote and What is Happening With the Midterms??

November 01, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 60.2 MB

The Midtrm elections are less than a week away... Who has the most competative races and where will we find an unlikley winner?? 

A Moment of Remembrance for Pittsburg

October 30, 2018 20:00 - 54 minutes - 48.9 MB

Horrific acts of violence have occured across the country this past week, including an attack at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburg. We take a moment to remember all the lives lost and discuss how such a horiffic act could have occured in the United States.

Who's Polling Ahead? and What Stories Flew Under the Radar This Week?

October 25, 2018 20:00 - 51 minutes - 46.1 MB

As the Midterm elections are creeping closer, the President is polling more favrabily. Will this rating last, and does it mean any thing for the November 6th elections? And with all the hustle and bustel of the week, the table weighs in on what news storeis got burried by the lead.

Is There a Migrant Caravan Crisis? and Where does the U.S. Stand with Saudi?

October 23, 2018 20:00 - 52 minutes - 46.8 MB

In a Twitter storm on Monday, Trump hinted towards declaring the United States in a state of 'national emergency'. Trump claimed the United States was in a near state of emergency due to the crowds of migrants who resumed resumed their long journey north on Sunday into Mexico as part of a migrant caravan originating in Central America. For weeks now there has been growing international uproar over Saudi Arabia's explanation of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Where Does the United S...

Trump's Travels Ahead of the Midterms and What Stories Were Missed This Week?

October 18, 2018 20:00 - 51 minutes - 46.4 MB

NBC reporter Johnathan Allen posted an op-ed piece on where Trump has been traveling leading up to the Midterm elections and how he is avoiding swing voters. With all the news that has come out this week the mebember of the Backroom table weigh in on what has been missed in the media cycle. 

U.S. Relations with Saudi Government and the Dismissal of a Defamation Suit

October 16, 2018 20:00 - 59 minutes - 53.4 MB

The disappearance of Washington Post journalist Jamal Kashoggi has caused a stir between Washington and the Saudi Kingdom...How much will the Saudis admit to and will the Trump administration put pressure on to find closure to the case?  Also, a federal judge has thown out the defamation suit brought by adult film actress Stormy Daniels against President Donald Trump.  Is this a victory for POTUS or will he hold off on responding to ...oh, wait... there's a tweet.

Haley resigns, Kavanaugh is confirmed, Ford's Layoffs, and The Saudi Issue

October 09, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

Trump announced today that he has accepted the resignation of US Ambassador Nikki Haley. Saturday Afternoon the Senate voted 50-48 to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh as an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court. Ford Automotive Company is feeling the impact of  the new Tariffs set in place by the Trump administration as they implement large scale layoffs. And how dangerous is it to be a journalist these days? The crisis in Turkey and implications of a 'fake news' media cycle.....ALL OF THIS AND...

Kavanaugh: Hearing and Investigation, A Canadian Deal & What is Roenstien doing

October 02, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 106 MB

Judge Kavanaugh has found himself the center of attention for both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the F.B.I.. The F.B.I. has one week to conduct an investigation into the allegations of sexual assault raised during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, what the investigation yields could have a profound impact on the potential confirmation. Trump struck a trade deal with Canada yesterday, and it does not seem to disfavor American industry as much as was feared. What is Rosenstein doing, is h...

Trump's UNGA Speech, Is Roenstien Out of a Job?, and Further Kavanaugh Questions

September 25, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

The 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly bagna today with President Trump delivering opening remarks. Over the weekend there have been conflicting statements over the employment of Rod Rosenstein. Sunday night the New Yorker published an article with another woman coming forward with her own accusations of a sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh.

Continued Confirmation, Hurricane Florence, Trade Wars and Gov't Shutdown

September 18, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

#MeToo movement pushes Judge Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation into next week as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are scheduled to hear testimony from both Kavanaugh and the woman bring allegations of sexual misconduct against him. Hurricane Florence hit the Carolina’s this past weekend, but how has the administration handled the natural disaster? The trade war sparked by Trump this past summer is escalating has an additional $200 billion of tariffs are being placed against China. Ther...

Remembering 9/11... 17 Years On, What's Happening in the Oval?, Concluding Confirmation, Gov. Shut D

September 11, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

Our panel remembers the tragic events of 9/11 on this, the 17th Anniversary of that tragic day. Two publications were released this past week, one an anonymous op-ed in the New York Time and the other a book by Bob Woodward. Both publications have an insider's perspective on what exactly is going on behind the closed doors of the White House. Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings ended this past Thursday, but were they just a formality? The sportswear brand Nike released their 30th anniver...

Reflecting on McCain, Kavanaugh Confirmation, Power of Women & Independents

September 04, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

This weekend Senator John McCain was laid to rest. Who attended and what was said reflects an attitude of Americans that wants civil politicians and true statesmen. The confirmation hearing of Judge Kavanaugh began today and Democrats are doing everything they can to slow it down. Primary season continues, but how are women and independents impacting elections across the country?.....ALL OF THIS AND MORE ON BACKROOM POLITICS!!!

Remembering John McCain, Presidential Pettiness. and A New Trade Deal?

August 28, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 107 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS... We remember Senator John McCain (R-AZ).  We look at his life, his career, his politics, and the legacy he leaves behind... After the death of Senator McCain, the President and the White House create a political and public relations nightmare...all they had to do was lower the flag...THAT'S IT!!! We will discuss the tone deaf and petty cutlture of the President and the West Wing... also, President Trump announced a new trade deal with Mexico in an awkward conf...


August 21, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

SPECIAL EDITION - We are covering the #BREAKING NEWS out of Northern Virginia and New York City where 1) A federal jury has found former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort GUILTY on 8 felony charges and 2) In a deal with the US Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York, former Trump Attorney and self-proclaimed "fixer" has pleaded guilty to 8 felony counts AND possibly points the finger at the President as UN-NAMED CO-CONSPIRATOR !  All of this and more... this week on BACKROOM ...

Extrapolating on Elections, the Economy in Congress, and Toxic Trumpism

August 14, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 110 MB

With so many special elections, primaries and midterm elections in the news the table at Backroom Politics is taking this week to extrapolate on what the votes cast have shown and what might happen in the upcoming elections that have yet to be held. Is the blue wave coming? Will the state of the economy help Republicans maintain control of the Congress? Larry Kudlow says yes but our table may have a different understanding.The toxic nature of Trumpism has hit three people this week, how ther...

Special Elections, Sudden Sanctions, Manafort, Mueller and Russia, and SCOTUS

August 07, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

Ohio-12 is holding a special election today and the results will be a huge indication as to what will happen in November's election. Just yesterday Trump reinstated sanctions on Iran, what it will mean for the economy and future foreign relations is yet to be seen. Manafort's trial has been going on for about a week and the jury has hear from 4 witnesses and what is going on with potential Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh? All of this and more on.... BACKROOM POLITICS!!!

Civil War Within the GOP, A GDP Boom, Cohen Talks, and A Gov. Shutdown??

July 31, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

Long time conservative donors, Charles and Bill Koch, have said they will financially contribute to candidates who “support policies that help all people improve their lives” whether they be Democrats or Republicans.Last Friday Trump hung his hat on another victory... the economy(GDP) grew to 4.1% one of the "biggest wins" of his administration but did Trump really have anything to do with the growth? Michael Cohen says he is ready to tell Special Prosecutor Robert Muller all the details of t...

Suspension of Security, Iran, Cohen has Tapes and Manafort is on Trial

July 24, 2018 20:00 - 57 minutes - 51.5 MB

The White House announced their contemplation of suspending security clearances of 6 former officials, Trump  threatens action in Iran with a Tweet, Federal investigators released information that they had tapes of then candidate Trump and his personal attorney Michael Cohen discussing making payments for a Playboy centerfold. Paul Manafort’s trial is scheduled to start on July 31st and Putin might come to the White House…. All of this and more on BACKROOM POLITICS!!!

Something about Summits and 12 indictments

July 17, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

Trump, this week, sat down with foreign leaders from multiple countries including a second NATO summit, Theresea May from the UK and Vladimir Putin from Russia. Also, last friday we saw 12 Russian indictments be handed down from the Mueller investigation. Is that investigation over... or is it just beginning? All of this and more in this weeks episode of BACKROOM POLITICS!!!

A SCOTUS Nominee, Troubling Trade, Another Summit, and Goodbye Pruitt

July 10, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

Last night, Trump officially nominated Brett Kavanaugh to be the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States, pending Senate approval. As trade in the United States struggles, Trump's business booms. There will be a summit with Russia in Helsinki and Pruitt was officially "pushed out"....All of this and more on this week's episode of BACKROOM POLITICS!!!

Shooting at the Capital Gazette; A Threat to the Freedom of the Press?

July 03, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 55.9 MB

Thursday June 28th, Jarrod Ramos entered the Capital Gazette, a newspaper in Annapolis Maryland. Ramos opened fire and shot and killed four journalists and a sales assistant. What was Ramos's motivation and should his actions be treated as a result of the verbal attacks made on "fake news" media outlets?...All of this and more on BACKROOM POLITICS!

A View of Immigration From All Three Branches, Mattis Madness and More Tariffs?!

June 26, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

All three branches of the United States government have been busy talking about immigration this week; the White House put issued an executive order, the House of Representatives debated bills, and the Supreme Court issued an opinion upholding the President's travel ban. What is happening with James Mattis, is he at all involved in the decision making of the President or the DOD?? and more tariffs as trump holds a rally in South Carolina..... All of this and more on this week's episode of BAC...

An IG Report, Immigration and the Border, Manafort In Jail, and More Tariffs?!

June 19, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 107 MB

The Office of the Inspector Gerneal issued a report last Thuesday looking into the actions of James Comey and his handling of the Clinton investigation. Are children being seperated from their families at the border and used as a bargening tool for the wall OR are we being tough on immigration as the president promised in his campaign? Paul Manafort was sent to jail on Friday and Trump levied more tariffs....All this and more on this week's episode of BACKROOM POLITICS!!

Two Summits: Singapore and the G7 and All Talk Tariffs and Trade

June 12, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

Trump claims he has not slept for the past 25 hours, but what exactly has he accomplished in that time. From Canada to Singapore Trump has meet with global leaders to talk, trade, tariffs and peace but will his negotiations prove to be successful or will his personal opinion of leaders inhibit US international partnership ....All of this and more, this week on BACKROOM POLITICS!

A New AG? Pardon Who? Pardon Me, Opinion on Cake, and No Eagles in the Oval

June 05, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 105 MB

Last week Trump took to Twitter to express his frustrations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, claiming he wished he had picked a different attorney for the job. This past Sunday legal counsel to the president Rudy Giuliani stated that Trump without a doubt had the authority to issue a pardon to himself, but not worry he would not be utilizing such power... not yet. The Supreme Court handed down an opinion yesterday that has many confused and some thinking they cannot have their cake and ea...

More Tariffs? Maybe a Summit? Starbucks, #MeToo and All Things Border Patrol

May 29, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

At 10 am this morning the White House announced that there will in fact be $50 billion worth of tariffs placed on China, signaling that the Trade war is in fact underway. The Administration cannot seem to decide if it wants to conduct a summit with North Korea as last week the June 12th meeting and yesterday talks to resume the meeting began again. Starbucks stores around the country will be closed this afternoon as employees are taking more racial bias training. Harvey Weinstein, the man wh...

Santa Fe In Our Prayers, A Trade Truce?, Twitter Demands, and A Summit Update

May 22, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

Another school shooting leaves ten more families questioning how and why violence is continuing in school and what can be done to prevent it. There may have been a truce reached with China and the ongoing trade wars between the two countries. Trump took to Twitter this weekend and demanded an additional investigation into the conduct of FBI and Dept. of Justice, and as our show goes live, Trump is meeting with South North Korean leader Moon at the White House.... All of this and more, this w...

An Embassy Surrounded by Protest, In with Korea Out with Iran, McCain and ZTE

May 15, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

The United States Emabassy was offcially relocated to Jerusalem yesterday but it was met and overshadowed by protests on the Gaza border where the violence continues. The country is transitioning in its foregin relations strengthening ties with Korea and abandoning deals with Iran. John McCain has been the target of innappropriate comments comming from the White House reguarding his heath, and Trump aims to Make China Great Again.... All of this and more, this week on BACKROOM POLITICS! 

No Deal, The Storm Keeps Coming, Ty Said Goodbye, and #MeToo Lost a Warrior

May 08, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

As of 2pm today President Trump officaly pulled the United States out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal. There has been some serious legal representaion question in the White House this week. Rudy Guliani joined the Presidnet's legal team on April 19th. With less than a month under his belt is he defending Trump in the way anticipated? Ty Cobb announced his retirement from the White House's legal team and Late last night, Eric Schneiderman resigned as New York's Attorney General after assult allega...

A Nobel Prize, Peace Talks and a Rally Over the Correspondents Dinner

May 01, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 106 MB

As North and South Korea have started meeting to discuss peace between their two countries, President Trump is taking all the credit. At a rally on Saturday memebers of the audience chanted "No-bel, No-bel, No-bel". Is it to early for talks of awarding the Presdient a prize for making peace, or has Trump done the impossible and brough two fudeing countries together. Also what happened at the Correspondents Dinner and why did Trump choose a rally over sitting down with the rest of his administ...

Confirmation Hearings, the First State Dinner, Memos, a Tribute and Remembrance

April 24, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS...  There are two confirmations before the Senate this week; Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State and RADM Jackson to lead the Department of Veterans Affiars. Neither confirmation has gone smoothly and one may be postponed. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, is in DC this week talking everything from trade to relations with Iran and the EU. Memos written by James Comey were relased to Congress on Thursday and they have an impact on the Russia invesitation........

Cohen's Office Was Searched, Comey Wrote a Book, and Trump Ordered a Strike

April 17, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... We know we missed last week but we will talk all about it. Last Monday Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen's office was raided by the F.B.I. and now Cohen and the President are asking to block the investigation before documents are reviewed... James Comey, the former F.B.I. director wrote a book on "A Higher Loyalty" and had some not so nice things to say about the man who fired him... and if that was not enough chaos the United States participated in a ...

Donald J. Trump: President, White House Chief of Staff, Comms Director.... AND?

April 03, 2018 20:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS...The President has a busy week.. now that he is his own Chief of Staff, Comms Director, Policy Czar (and everything else)...between the ouster of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (replacing him with the White House Physician) rising tensions between Washington and Moscow... from making nice with North a brewing battle between the Administration and Amazon.  The Stepford the recent coordinated message between Sinclair Broadcasting S...

The March, Stormy Weather & Chaos at the White House, China Tarrifs, & RUSSIA!

March 27, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... We will discuss the March For Our Lives that happened last Saturday. Is this a new wave of politically active youth?  Is this sustainable or will the participants lose interest and let it fade away?  Has this changed the discussion on Gun laws?  The White House continues is chaotic spin... Stormy Daniels' 60 MINUTES interview, Trump's legal team continues to be a team of one, H.R. McMaster is out, John Bolton is in...and not without some concern.  Trump also ...

McCabe Firing, Special Counsel Turns Up The Heat & What Is "THE DEEP STATE"?

March 20, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 107 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... The Attorney General, Jeff Sessions fires the Deputy Director of the FBI after two internal reports state he "lacked candor under oath" as part of an internal investigation of media leaks inside the agency... was it a justified firing or a political mob hit? This as the war of words (and subpeonas) escalates between the White House and The Special Counsel's Office when Robert Mueller issues subpeonas to the Trump Organization seeking business documents and ot...


March 13, 2018 20:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS... BREAKING NEWS...  TRUMP FIRES SECRETARY OF STATE REX TILLERSON... As crtical international issues face this administration, President Trump has fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and is replacing him with former Congressman and current Director of Central Intelligence Mike Pompeo.  What are the ramifications?  How does this affect our standing in the international community?  Was this a smart play by the President?  We will also talk about the President's...

Tariffs, Trade Wars, & Turmoil - The Trump White House Has a Bad Week

March 06, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... The turmoil in the West Wing.... Amid departures and infighting amongst the senior officials in the White House, the President decides now would be a good time for a TRADE WAR... as he announces tarrifs on aluminum and steel...only he should have told his administration that this was coming (which he didn't)... This as the President is still realing from the departure of Hope Hicks, possible departure of National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, and tension be...

Guns in Classrooms, Mueller's Busy Week, Dems Intel Response Release & RUSSIA!

February 27, 2018 21:00 - 2 hours - 109 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... The White House listened...and they believe teachers with guns are the solution... just ask the NRA.  Teachers, however? Not so happy with this the Administration tone deaf or just beholden to the NRA?  Can this country finally move forward on sensible gun regulations?  The Special Counsel's Office has been VERY busy over the past week... we will discuss the latest...The Dems have their day in the court of public opinion as they release their re...

The Tragic Shooting in Parkland, FL-CAN WE TALK GUN REGS NOW?!?

February 20, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 107 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS...  17 dead after a tragic and senseless act of violence.  A mass shooting in a South Florida high school has rocked the nation leaving many to ask "HOW"... HOW did this happen?  HOW did 17 people loose their lives at the hands of someone with mental health challenges?  HOW did this person get an assault rifle?  HOW did local, state and Federal Authorities miss the warning signs?  The President and Congress respond to these events... but is it enough?  When will...

White House in Turmoil, The Trump Budget Proposal, Has the GOP Lost It's Way?

February 13, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... Is the White House in Turmoil? After 2 resignations of key White House staff for allegations of domestic violence... and John Kelly on the hot seat... is this a sign that the White House is in crisis?  Who exactly is the adult in the room.  Is this a situation of political inexperience or pure arrogance at the top?  Does this pose a naitonal security threat or is this a lot to do about nothing burgers?  When does a Government Shutdown not actually shutdown th...


February 06, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 105 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS... As the Stock Market continues its wild ride, should America be worried about the economic future?  Is this the end of the TRUMP BUMP for the economy?  What happens in a post-Janet Yellin Fed?  A just as wild ride is happening on Capitol Hill as The House Intel Committee releases a memo...against the advise of the FBI and Department of Justice... a memo which the President claims vindicates him in the Russia Special Counsel Probe. Of course, not to be outdone....


January 30, 2018 21:00 - 57 minutes - 52.1 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS... President Trump heads to Capitol Hill for the State of the Union Address where it is expected that he will address 5 key areas... Immigration, Border Security, Taxes, Infrastructure, and Health Care.  We will discuss these areas...what has Trump so far?  What could the President propose that could change the momentum of his administration?  Also, the pressures in Washington continue to build... Andrew McCabe, #2 at FBI, resigns as the House Intel Committee vo...

Was it Schumer Shutdown? Was it Trump Shutdown? Here, hold my beer!

January 23, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 106 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS... Well, Government is back to work...and Washington has begun the finger-pointing. Who were the big winners? Who were the big losers? How does this play out for both Dems and the GOP moving forward to 2018.  Is it a good idea to attach DACA to the Wall (and vice versa)?  Can we avoid the shutdown again IN 3 WEEKS?  Also, Attorney General Jeff Sessions goes into an interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  Is this a sign of the investigation coming closer ...

The Race to Government Shutdown and Trump's Sh*tshow on Immigration

January 16, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 108 MB

THIS WEEK ON BACKROOM POLITICS... BREAKING NEWS.... The New York Times is reporting that the Special Counsel's Office has subpoenaed former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.  Could this begin a new angle for the Special Counsel or is this just smoke and drama?  Also, The race is on to prevent a Government Shutdown on Friday!  With arguments regarding clean bills and immigration attachments... does DACA and The Wall become a bargaining chip or an anchor to pull the Government into clo...


January 09, 2018 21:00 - 1 hour - 105 MB

This week on BACKROOM POLITICS... it's a new year, and we have a lot to cover since before the Holidays.  From talking about "THE BOOK" to the latest in the Special Counsel's Investigation into the 2016 election.  From the tax bill to "infrastructure week"...Bannon is out...and the GOP love fest that seems to be waining.  We will talk about the latest in political news LIVE FROM WASHINGTON, DC. President Trump... FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION... we would like to have BACKROOM POLITICS be ...


The White House
4 Episodes