Look, let’s be honest. If you had told us a couple of months ago that we’d be interviewing John Romero on the show, we’d have told you to fuck off, you lying piece of shit. But this is our life now: we’re the dudes who spend a little over an hour teaching the man who

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Look, let’s be honest. If you had told us a couple of months ago that we’d be interviewing John Romero on the show, we’d have told you to fuck off, you lying piece of shit. But this is our life now: we’re the dudes who spend a little over an hour teaching the man who was instrumental in the creation of Wolfenstein 3D, Commander Keen, and motherfuckin’ DOOM that you shouldn’t say “yes” to just any shitty little podcast that invites you on.

Pictured: an adventure gamer.

We invited John on the show with the promise of talking about something other than just his past accomplishments — although we ended up talking about those quite a bit as well. You see, John Romero has a not-very-well-kept secret: he’s an adventure game fan.

And, boy, is he an adventure game fan. It turns out he isn’t just good at schooling kids in deathmatches — in this episode, he proves that he can also school three dumbasses who think they’re hot shit on what adventure games really are. John is old school. He wrote his own text adventures while Fred was still a twinkle in his dad’s testes, and he played adventure games on mainframes back when the game’s responses came out of a line printer on paper. Motherfuckin’ paper, kids!

John Romero in his youth playing adventure games. (We’re pretty sure he stopped a nuclear war, too.)

Not only that, but he also talked about that time when id Software was almost bought by Sierra On-Line, and why that didn’t happen in the end. Let’s just say Ken Williams probably still has red ears about that one.

We can’t compete with that kind of adventure game cred. So we just decided to lean back and let the man who taught us how to fight the hordes of Hell when we were children talk about whatever he wanted.

Oh, and, DOOM is totally an adventure game.

Behold the awesomeness of this on YouTube, or download the episode below: