Sometimes, you only really consider something when it’s held in front of your face. For instance, I first met my co-hosts, Troels and Gareth, on teh interwebz around 2002. While I am not completely certain as to when curt resentment turned into friendships, I do now count the two gentlemen as two of my best friends. Shut up.

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Sometimes, you only really consider something when it’s held in front of your face. For instance, I first met my co-hosts, Troels and Gareth, on teh interwebz around 2002. While I am not completely certain as to when curt resentment turned into friendships, I do now count the two gentlemen as two of my best friends.

Shut up.

But seriously, the importance of the community in adventure game development and subsequent player enjoyment seemed like something we ought to do an episode about. Enter guests Jean-Baptiste de Clerfayt (Lancelot’s Hangover) and Francisco Gonzalez (of Grundislav Games) who joined us for a conversation about what the community means to them.

The reason for Francisco’s appearance was twofold; we’ve had a bit of a feud going because he and Ben Chandler have ruthlessly been stealing our ideas on their own podcast, Blue Cup Tools. But fighting is pretty silly, so in the spirit of reconciliation, we wanted to give him a chance to experience how it’s done.

You can experience how it’s done either on YouTube:

or below this post.

We hope you will enjoy this episode, for it is, in fact, the final one of the season. All good things must come to an end, and apparently, so must all awful things. And since we have progressively been busier and busier in our respective private lives since we kicked off the season back in January, we feel it best to wrap it up in style while we still can. A propos community, engaging with our guests and listeners for yet another round has been wonderful, and I cannot wait for the next one!

So, say goodbye, Troels. Say goodbye, Gareth. And it’s a goodbye from me as well. See you aaaaaaallllll arrrrrroooooouuuuund!