So, yeah. We went to AdventureX. We had a good time. I think that about does it, doesn’t it? No, actually, it doesn’t. We had an absolute blast. We came back from it so inspired and fired up. Fred got off his ass and finished the talkie version of that game we worked on last

Continue reading AdventureX Special #2: Our post-orgasmic reflections

So, yeah. We went to AdventureX. We had a good time. I think that about does it, doesn’t it?

No, actually, it doesn’t. We had an absolute blast. We came back from it so inspired and fired up. Fred got off his ass and finished the talkie version of that game we worked on last year. I launched myself headfirst into planning my game. And Gareth, presumably, learned to love again.

So we convened, as we had threatened to do before the convention, to reminisce and talk about what we learned, who we learned it from, and who might conceivably never speak to us again.

Sit back and watch our holiday snapshots like a good grandson on YouTube (just kidding, there are no pictures, just endless talking):

There’s also the audio version at the bottom of this post — which, if you were a subscriber, you’d probably already know, as it would have ticked into your podcast listening app of choice already.

While we were at the convention, it quickly became apparent that we weren’t going to do all the things we said we were going to do, camera-wise. Like, film a documentary of any substantial value, or actually get any interviews with anyone done. I did record one interview with Jean-Baptiste de Clerfayt (Lancelot’s Hangover) outside the convention hall, but, oh magic of wonders, the phone didn’t record it properly, and all I got was a video of me laughing and hugging him, saying, “That was awesome.” Which it was. But you’ll never know just how awesome it was.

But we did manage to film some things, and Fred is off in the editing suite trying to make sense of the mess of short clips from the camera we brought (thanks, EvilDonut!), and my phone. The result of that should be out any time soon, barring unforeseen incidents such as Fred stabbing himself in the thigh in a manic episode.

By the way, it’s official: Season 4 of the Back Seat Designers show is starting in January 2017! We don’t want to jinx it, but we’re already in the talks with some very interesting, cool people about coming on the show. Yep, we’re continuing on the path we started with our off-season specials. So that’s going to be cool — more on that as details develop.

But for now, enjoy this retrospective of this year’s AdventureX, and look forward to the video documentary coming out soon-ish. Unless Fred is already dead. Fred? … Yeah, he’s not answering; I’m sure he’s just concentrating really hard.

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