Greetings, exhausted ones! As you may have learned from our shamelessly narcissistic social media profiles, we are gearing up for another season of Back Seat Designers goodness. In fact, we already recorded our inaugural episode, which features a spectacular guest appearance by [REDACTED]. But that is not what this post is about. You will have

Continue reading A special announcement, or “The Ice Cream Wizard Cometh”

Greetings, exhausted ones! As you may have learned from our shamelessly narcissistic social media profiles, we are gearing up for another season of Back Seat Designers goodness. In fact, we already recorded our inaugural episode, which features a spectacular guest appearance by [REDACTED]. But that is not what this post is about. You will have to wait until January 15 for the release of that. Nay, this blog post is about a special announcement by a dear, dear friend.

I am, of course, talking about the Ice Cream Wizard from AdventureJam 2015 Judges’ Pick Late Last Nite. A game Troels, Gareth and myself may not have not unworked on, as part of the indie game collective No More For Today Productions.

You will never not be as uncool as this guy.

Given that the Ice Cream Wizard operates out of Leeds, it was reasonably easy for our own Englishman, Gareth, to have the master record a special announcement. Not only for the release of season four of our little show, but also for the Special Edition release of the No More For Today game you love to hate: last year’s Stair Quest. As a matter of fact, the new version of the game is out now, promising more levels, more animations, more music, a parser with a vocabulary so large that you’d think it had gained self-awareness, and chiefly, more white-knuckle rage.

So do lean back as the I to the C to the W himself tells you how you should spend your evening. There may be another little surprise in store from us before we unleash the actual first episode of season four, but you did not hear that from me!