Making sense of any data is necessary to make crucial business decisions. Data has considerable value now and is a commoditized asset. However, we are inundated with data today, and try to harness the data is a challenge for many.

If the volume of data is going to only increase, how can data be translated into actionable insights?

I’m joined by Pablo Moreno, Microsoft MVP and Business Data Scientist for Dell, to discuss data analysis, different ways to view it, and getting the most out of your data. Pablo is an expert in analytics, business intelligence, machine learning, and more.


01:15: Pablo outlines his Spanish heritage and his background in artificial intelligence and machine learning for legal operations.

05:16: The explosion of big data about 10 years ago provided a way for Pablo to use his statistical knowledge to provide insights to others.

08:07: Data analysis has come a long way from using Excel as the only tool. This led to Pablo write a book called "Machine Learning in Power BI with R and Python".

11:04: Power BI combined with artificial intelligence is surfacing information in amazing ways. But, many business professionals still struggle with understanding how to consolidate and make sense of the data.
Business intelligence is why things happened or didn’t happen in the past…in order to improve my direction in the future.

18:34: Microsoft has made big investments in Power BI to increase the capabilities and extend the functionality by combining it with Azure.

21:17: Pablo shares his mission to invest 30%-35% of the book proceeds to social causes. This is done by:
Participating and investing money in Python applications and packages development optimized for Power BI usage.
Funding and paying tuition to individuals without resources to be educated in data literacy. Agreements are in place with some universities and other academies who collaborate in this cause.

Information about Pablo's book can be found here:

Please note that the English version of the book will be published in November 2021.