Episode 14 zooms into the world of insects. Despite being often poorly-known and out-of-sight, the value of insects to society, and the environment globally, is immeasurable. Some species have, in recent years, been given a shred of limelight, allowing people to understand the amazing life-cycles and ecosystem services these animals perform. For one species, the large and gaudy Southern Pink Underwing moth, only recently discovered, scientists are now appealing to the community in an effort to raise its status as a flagship species and to celebrate its beauty. Join retired eminent CSIRO scientist Dr Don Sands as we delve into a lifetime of adventure and discovery and learn just how an increased focus on insect conservation may be a saving grace for the rest of our living planet.


To find out more about the amazing Southern Pink Underwing and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific Back from the Brink - Season 3 Episode 5 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page, or watch here: https://youtu.be/HKktUTJLhP4


Visit our new Action Hub webpage: www.natura-pacific.com/actionhub