Previous Episode: Kombucha & Spring Rolls
Next Episode: Poorly Dressed

Welcome!Question: what music orchestration would you want playing in the background while you share your childhood story/traumasTwo minute recap: There was crying. There was a big shirtless guy slapping faces with fish. There was more crying. There was a beer bath. And there was freezing on the deck of a (ghost?) ship.Concept 1: When things get hard. Rachel tends to peace out when things are hard/challenging. Should you want to marry someone who, every time things get hard, she’s out?Concept 2: Is this the most realistic dating ever seen on the show? Because both have the option to change/reject. And Rachel is mad that Gabby kept Logan, but she did the same thing when she kept Hayden…Concept 3: Zodiac relationship matches. Real or no?Host 2 wildcard topic: Nate drama, the general lack of fighting this season, we still haven’t heard an I love you and does Logan smell super good? Lessons learnedSign off