Previous Episode: #45 - Blessing You Are


 The word dirty means unclean, corrupted, and or infected. We've seen people slowly get infected with speaking curses onto themselves and people around them. Curse is simply a prayer that harm may befall someone, malediction in french, and maldicion in Spanish and Portuguese -------------------------------------------- This occurred because they grew up in a culture that believed that, curse words were immoral and offensive, my uncle would actually go an extra length as too give you a little spanking. They grew up in a space that had clean communication, even though it lacked some of the elements we've covered in our previous episodes. I've come to realize how proper, people sound when they speak without any curse words, and how clean their communication and their whole being are. WHAT THE WORD FOR THIS ??? ...............RESPECT!!.............. HEAVEN YES It's time we evaluate ourselves, Quick question do you think that curse words somehow infecting our hearts? and why are they called Curse words. I spoke to the elders in my birthplace, I'm home good people. So they told me that, a curse word is just immoral and in addition to that its what people used to undermine other people, and hurt people's emotions, and that they called Satanic. The elders asked me a question, how do you feel when you say a curse word to someone else? Do you feel good? IF YOU DO SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU, IT MEANS YOU'VE BEEN CORRUPTED. We follow these celebs and we make them role models, we start to adapt their styles but only to be misled and we start to fall off the cliff of good deeds and behavior. So I personally used one curse word, which was Fudge, I have limited it, but sometimes it does slip, but not as much as it used to do. I'm working on it. -------------------------------------------------- Solution 

So, friends, and family, I hope you are ready to create a beautiful communication atmosphere and it starts with you. You have to be the light. -------------------------------------------------- 

As from the BDSA Team, we love you and appreciate you and speak life into you. Peace and Love. 

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