Men do care about how they look. They've been saying this for a very long time, yet few people have been listening. Stop Emotional Abuse. Stop killing the Self-image, Self Esteem of Men.
The value in having a victorious, socio-conscious self-image.
The consequences of not having a victorious self-image.
- Identifying people who have a positive self-image you like
- Identifying actions and habits that make you a person of value and add value to you and others around you.
- Learning to be a person of value in secret: self-esteem is the reputation you have with yourself
- Building and aligning your 4 empires.: Healthset (physical), mindset, soul set, heartset
- It's not about fitting a norm of any physicality
- It's about lifting your normal to great.
- By building a victorious self-image as the norm, men can better handle adversity.

- Jokes and teasing can exist, but the foundation and dominant conversation must be one that elevates the people to a status of value
- In the home by a family that ignores the value of the balance

> Self-esteem: reputation built through positive actions of self-respect and self obedience
> Self-awareness to identify weak points and strong points
> A positive balance of energy is key in maintaining a self-image
> Finding value in others makes us better at finding good in us.