Today Lex & Patricia speak with Jeff about Australian popular culture of the 50s, 60s & 70s. Then David Williamson, Meredith Burgmann and Reg Mombassa chat together about this in Jeff’s Cafe.

In Nostalgia Town, we speak with author, podcaster & Older Women’s Network Ambassador Caroline Baum about growing up on Abbey Road and her love of books.

On Your Two Cents Worth, we speak with energy savings specialist Rob Murray-Leach.

You can find longer versions of each segment and other links on the website.

Links for this episode:

Three decades of Australian popular culture: 50s, 60s & 70s

Radicals: Remembering the Sixties, Meredith Burgmann, Nadia Wheatley

Nostalgia Town: Caroline Baum

Life Sentences PodcastOlder Women’s Network NSW Ambassador

Y2CW: Cutting your energy bills with Rob Murray-Leach

Energy Efficiency CouncilImproving Energy Efficiency at HomeChoice on Energy Saving at HomeFree ways to cut your energy billsAusgrid: save energy at home