Today Lex speaks with ACON reps Russ Gluyas and Claire Allen about sexual diversity & ageing in Australia. Then Eliese, Jacquay and Trevor chat together about this in Jeff’s Cafe.

In Nostalgia Town, we speak with Australian social researcher and author Hugh Mackay about growing up in north Sydney and how his love of people’s stories drew him into social research.

On Your Two Cents Worth, we speak with Uta Mihm from Choice about private health insurance.

You can find longer versions of each segment and other links on the website.

Links for this episode:

Sexual diversity & ageingACONACON: AgeingPride in Health + WellbeingLOVE ProjectMature Age GaysNostalgia Town: Hugh MackayHugh Mackay Macmillan profileY2CW: Private health insuranceHealth insurance for SeniorsRip-off Silver Plus policiesSBS Report: is private health insurance worth it? The Conversation: Thinking about ditching health insurance?Moneysmart on health insurance