We’ve all felt misunderstood at one time or another in life. It’s not ideal.

What’s great about people misunderstanding your product, though, is it gives you a chance to refine your features, market positioning, messaging, and sales development process.

In this #Sales episode of B2B Growth, James chats with 7x startup seller, sales advisor, and community leader of #Death2Fluff, Belal Batrawy.

The two discuss:

Overcoming the Curse of Knowledge in order to empathize w/ your customers Strategically adding friction to the sales process to qualify faster How to help SDRs own their career growth in 4 steps

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller #Death2Fluff on Bravado Belal’s SDR/BDR Career Growth Plan

You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to the B2B Growth Show on Apple Podcasts, on our website, or on Spotify.