Account Based Marketing is nothing new, but most marketers tend to stay on the marketing side of things. But not this guest. On this episode of B2B Difference Makers, we’re joined by Emily Carroll, Account Based Marketing and Operations Manager at Aruba, a leading provider of next-generation network access solutions for the mobile enterprise.

Emily is a disruptor in the ABM field, using the account based marketing strategy within sales. In this conversation with Emily, you’ll hear how she manages to keep sight of marketing while focusing on sales, and what she’s learned about getting buy-in from the right people.

What does Emily think it takes to be a B2B Difference Maker? Find out in this episode.



1. Don’t Use ABM Terms with Sales


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Emily: That's exactly what we tried to do here is appeal to what their priorities are and how we're going to be able to enable that. And it's not about the titles and the marketing language that you're trying to use with sales. It's about what is going to hit on the nail with their priorities and say, we're going to enable that and, you know, help accelerate what their ultimate goal is to sell more.


2. Generate Accounts, Not Leads


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Emily: We started very early going, okay, we'll generate leads. And now we've shifted to, we're going to generate qualified accounts and they're still being delivered in a very lead fashion. But as we start continued training with the sales team, and now that we have a few pilot marketing campaigns going, that's very data driven. We are now shifting the focus to being understanding that this may look like a lead. But this is actually a qualified account and it's on your selling side and on the marketing side to treat it as such


3. Get Buy-in from the Right People


Supporting Quote:
Emily: The change happened when we got buy in from the managerial level. So. To get the initial platform we got buy in from the very high up top. Right. But the managerial level is really where we saw the driven. This is now a tool you need to use that kind of directive from your direct managers makes all the difference.