Every now and then you meet someone and immediately feel energized and inspired. That’s exactly how hosts Latane Conant and Jeannine Crispino felt when meeting Sruthi Kumar, Associate Director of Field & Partner Marketing at Sendoso. 

Sruthi is a storyteller, connecting product stories to prospects and customers. In this conversation with Sruthi, you’ll hear how she leans into her strengths in the midst of unprecedented circumstances, and what she’s learned about marketing in a digital must environment. 

What does Sruthi think it takes to be a B2B Difference Maker? Find out in this episode.



1.Field Marketing is More Than Just Events


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Sruthi: When people just equate field marketing with events, I'm like, “okay, well, you know, the field marker you're working with, maybe he didn’t do it justice,” because really you're running a digital campaign through and through. Even when we were meeting physically, even when we were meeting in person, we were like, we had to be the masters of the digital campaign. So for out of the box, we've done a ton of emails. Like how else are you really supposed to reach people these days? We do a lot of social. And so we have a great content team and we've really utilized like video and media. That's something that we've seen a lot of our followers, uh, prospects and customers interact really well with.


2. Lean Into What You Know


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Sruthi: We decided let's just lean into what we could continue doing, and that was content and co-marketing. So I think in those moments of like, Doubt or uncertainty or challenging moments, like just lean into what you already know and you know, that you can do well because those things won't let you down. And once you kind of lay a foundation with that, then being able to go out and experiment.


3. Rely on Your Strengths


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Sruthi: Lean into what your superpowers are. Everyone brings something different to the table, so don't be afraid, like. To look into yourself and be like, this is what I'm really good at. This is what I can bring to the table. And for me, like that thing was, I'm like a natural networker. I'm very friendly. And so in my personal life and my professional life, that's helped me a lot, like meet the right people and make the right connections.