Is growth hacking in the B2B space achievable? Or is it an overused phrase that does little good to anyone? Is the growth hacking mindset helpful or harmful to a company’s growth? Sandro Meyer—the co-founder of GrowthBay, a growth marketing agency based in Zurich—shares what might be a better alternative to growth hacking in this episode of The Content Callout.

Outline of This Episode [1:07] Learn more about Sandro Meyer [2:39] Sandro’s rapid-fire marketing tips [5:56] Split your funnel into audience and prospects [13:50] Why Sandro emphasizes co-marketing [19:30] Content distribution is like a trade magazine  [23:00] Growth hacking shouldn’t be prioritized  [26:05] How to handle clients who expect immediate growth [30:46] Every marketer has a different path to follow  [33:37] How to connect with Sandro Meyer Connect with Sandro Meyer GrowthBay Sign up for Sandro’s newsletter The Growth Leadership Show Connect with The Content Callout

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