SEO is complicated. B2B SEO is inherently more frustrating. The world of SEO is a constantly changing landscape that’s difficult to navigate yet critical to helping your website rank on search engines. In this episode of The Content Callout, David Ellis—the founder of Teranga Digital Marketing, a B2B SEO agency—shares how B2B brands can write quality content while integrating SEO. He helps simplify the process to make it understandable to anyone (a concept all B2B businesses need to embrace with their messaging). Don’t miss it! 

Outline of This Episode [1:53] Learn more about David Ellis [3:36] David’s rapid-fire marketing tips [6:50] How to provide quality content while integrating SEO [11:30] An SEO strategy for constantly changing content [13:54] B2B companies struggle to simplify their product/service [16:28] Master messaging (and ditch jargon speak) [18:06] How marketing and sales can “play nice” [23:18] Why you need a clear understanding of personas [26:46] David’s four levers of B2B SEO [32:16] The biggest mistake marketers make that prevents success [33:44] How to learn more about Teranga Digital Marketing Resources & People Mentioned Connect with David Ellis Teranga Digital Marketing Connect with David on LinkedIn Connect with The Content Callout

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