When you think about influencer marketing, the B2B space probably doesn’t come to mind. Most B2B marketers wouldn’t consider using an influencer in their campaigns. Dani Hao points out that just because you’re in the B2B space doesn’t mean you’re selling to businesses. You’re selling to people within a business. People that have names, personalities, and interests. 

That’s why Dani firmly believes that avoiding using influencers as part of your marketing strategy is a mistake. In this episode of The Content Callout Podcast, she shares why B2B brands should collaborate with influencers and lays out some best practices.

Dani is a startup marketing coach, speaker, and B2B marketing podcaster, whose mission is to help brands build authenticity and trust through content and community. 

Outline of This Episode [1:18] Dani’s three rapid-fire tactics [2:46] How influencers can be used in B2B [7:46] How to build an influencer strategy [10:24] Content doesn’t just mean written content [12:40] How to make your content last [15:20] How to connect with Dani Hao Resources & People Mentioned Check out Lumen5 for FREE Connect with Dani Hao Connect with Dani on LinkedIn The Supercharge Marketing podcast The Spend Culture podcast Connect With the Content Callout Team https://ContentCallout.com 

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