Previous Episode: Debbie VanGrieken
Next Episode: Sherry Brier

RIchard is a Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) (Tapping) Practitioner, Certified Emotional Success Coach, Body Talk Access, Limbic Arc, and Positive Prime practitioner, supporting people with Phobia's, Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Empowering Divorced Women to step into their power.

Everyone's situation is unique so I use a variety of ways to facilitate them with EFT, Colors & Technology to Empower each person in the process so they become connected and aligned to a desired outcome of their choice.

Connect with Richard:

Website: quantum approach

IG: @richardmordenl.t.c

FB: @LifeTransformationCoachRichardMorden

Li: @lifetransformationcoach

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Music: Purple Planet Music