You’ve likely heard of accelerators or incubators – organizations that help entrepreneurs in the early stages of developing their products or services. Once a company begins to raise larger amounts of capital or reach a minimum revenue threshold, the company “graduates” from the accelerator or incubator program. In other words, the company gets resources and assistance for a limited time frame.

There is a unique model that sticks with the entrepreneur well beyond the early stages of formation and growth. It is this latter model that Startup Health embraces. Startup Health serves the entrepreneur at every stage of growth, providing entrepreneurs with guidance resources, networking and more to support them over the long-term. If this model isn’t impressive enough, Startup Health has also launched Moonshots which are initiatives designed to tackle the biggest, hairiest problems in healthcare. If you are a healthcare leader, you’ll want to say tuned to learn more about these Moonshots.

With us is Steve Krein, Cofounder and CEO of Startup Health. Steve will tell us about the Startup Health model, how it is different and why the model is so powerful in aiding the entrepreneur. He’ll also tell us more about Moonshots and how they are transforming the face of healthcare.

Show Notes: Books: Antifragile: Things That gain from Disorder by Nassim Taleb; The Power of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck and Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman