Every 17 seconds an American is diagnosed with diabetes.  This statistic is from the American Journal of Managed Care (2018).  Also, according to the CDC, 34 million Americans have diabetes which represents 11% of the population.  And another 85 million Americans are considered “pre-diabetes”  It’s no wonder that Diabetes continues to high in the rankings for healthcare spend. 

We have been told for decades that Type 2 diabetes can be prevented only through better diet and exercise.  In recent years we have begun to hear claims that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed and this is a gamechanger for people living with Type 2 diabetes.  Here to speak with us today about Type 2 diabetes and what his company is doing to reverse this dreaded disease is Sami Inkinen, the CEO & Founder of Virta Health.  As with most entrepreneurs, Sami has his own healthcare journey that inspired him to create Virta Health.  I am excited to hear what he will share with us today. 

Show notes:  Podcast:  How I Built This with Guy Raz; Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.