We love the podcast. Hopefully you love the podcast. But even if you love the podcast as much as we do, you might not have time to listen to all 100+ episodes. However one successful applicant, , did take the time to listen to EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. For this edition, Ty sits down with Chandler Arnold to share three key takeaways from the podcast, some specific episodes he found to be most helpful, and a few hidden gems he discovered along the way.  Ty and Chandler also discuss how the podcast influenced Ty’s own application journey--including the topics of prioritization, avoiding overwhelm, embracing bold choices, and reframing the concept of applying from one of fear to one of excitement. Ty closes by sharing a candid perspective about the real work involved with MBA applications that might surprise you.  Spoiler alert: Ty was admitted to three of his top programs and accepted a generous scholarship to his dream school.