Are you having doubts about applying to business school? This could be a good thing. Are you having REALLY BIG DOUBTS? This could be even better. In this two-part episode host Chandler Arnold gets personal about combatting self-doubt and—more importantly—transforming this doubt into FUEL to drive your forward towards your goals. Last week we talked about 5 specific ways to combat self-doubt during the MBA admissions process: FACING YOUR DOUBTS HEAD ON DEVELOPING A PLAN TO ADDRESS EACH OF YOUR DOUBTS ROLE PLAYING *WORSE CASE* INTERVIEW QUESTIONS CLEARING YOUR MIND ASKING YOURSELF WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THIS DOUBT? In this episode we will talk about 5 more tips and suggestions for dealing with doubt: DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHER PEOPLE DEVELOP A REALISTIC POST-MBA PLAN IDENTIFY AN “CAREER PATH EXEMPLAR” FIND A MBA MENTOR IGNORE YOUR INNER SABOTEUR Chandler concludes the episode by challenging listeners to reframe their doubts into boldness… by turning fear on its head, charting your own course, pressure testing your thinking and then turning the volume WAY up. This is an episode not to be missed.