Previous Episode: Friday, August 1, 2008

Well, yesterday we got my MRI results we needed for the Nevada study. Unfortunately, they found several spots in my brain. We asked how many and they said a lot. In the world of Melanoma cancer, this is not good at all. Once it's gone to the brain you're pretty much not a patient for a cure any more, but a patient for palliative care (pain control).

The Nevada treatment won't be available unless I have been off of other treatments for 4 weeks. And, they don't like the idea that it has migrated to my brain. NOW, I will be able to undergo some radiative treatment up at Logan Hospital. Rather than spot radiate they will whole brain radiate which may minimize or eliminate many of the lesions in there.

The nurse yesterday told us that they had never seen melanoma progress so quickly in a patient. Maybe I've eaten too many Oreos over time. Anyway, this is the real deal. Nathan