The post B is for Brilliant Penney Fox appeared first on Mary Strachan.

Dear Social Media,

This is probably not news to you, but I’m not really sure how to feel about you.

There are so many options…. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Insta…

Oh and Pinterest… how could I forget about your pins?

I don’t know where to spend my time.

My time disappears down the rabbit hole of your feed.

What’s an entrepreneur like me to do?




Maybe you don’t relate to the above words – maybe you’ve got your social media strategy all figured out (you’ll still want to listen in because we’re talking specifically about opt-ins in this interview.)

But maybe you don’t.

Which is why it’s a good idea to hit the play button and listen to my interview with Social Media Productivity Coach, Penney Fox.  She’s all about helping people find a way to make social media work for them.  And as you’ve just read, we focus some of our conversation on the important role opt-ins play in building your business (we really talk about a few topics, including the productivity piece.)

While many entrepreneurs see their opt-ins as ways to grow their email list (ie. build a community) Penney asks us to think differently about their purpose.  Yes, they do help you grow your list, but what if they could serve to qualify potential CUSTOMERS?

Another great piece of clarity from Penney?  The difference between offering something of value in exchange for email addresses versus simply asking people to sign up for your newsletter!


Visionary Alter-Ego:  Patti Planner/Izzy Ideas

Penney’s a perfect example of how closely Patti Planner and Izzy Ideas are related (I usually say they are like first cousins.)  She’s made a business out of her superb planning skills (and remembers during our conversation that previous to going into business for herself, she was an event planner!)

It’s a wonderful thing to recognize your super-power within your Alter-Ego, embrace it and build a business around it.  Penney relies on her planning skills to help others create social medial plans and strategies.

But what about within her own business?  When I asked her how Patti Planner might slow her down, she laughed, and shared that at one critical point last year, she had to say enough was enough.  It was time to stop creating (she has 9 free resources!)  This is where Izzy Ideas shows up!

To give Penney credit, she took those 9 resources and set them up on her website (lucky you – you can use the button above to see them all and choose what one(s) you’d like to have.) It’s not always the case that an idea becomes reality.

Penney Fox

Social Media Productivity Coach


Why You'll Want to Opt for an Opt-In!

B is for Brilliant

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The post B is for Brilliant Penney Fox appeared first on Mary Strachan.