As a society I always feel that we don't do enough to acknowledge and say thank you to people who have been selfless in their work and beyond. Contrary to what some people might think it is actually free to be nice to be people or to simply say thank you; This is what this episode is purely about - showing some humanity and respect to someone many people in the GMB trade union know very well, especially the London Region.

To our usual listeners I accept we have gone massivley off script but everyone needs a feel good story and you won't get many better than this so stick around for the ride! 

So, 'It's all about Sue' is about a woman called Sue Hackett who devoted 42 years of her working life to the trade union movement and in the last decade or so she has made the GMB a force to be reckoned with on the equality front. This episode is all about saying thank you.

Enjoy the feeeeeeel gooooood feeling listening to this!