A mad 11 day spell saw the deaths of 100s of Palestinians, which included 66 children, all sparked by the storming of the Al Aqsa mosque on the 7 May 2021 in Jerusalem by Israeli police after reports of stones being thrown - the Israeli police threw stun grenades into the third most holiest Muslim site in the world and it did not need a genius to predict what was going to follow; in the meantime...Netanyahu has a corruption case hanging over his head and has also failed to form a Government. 

Israel has also suffered losses with 12 deaths; including two children. A death is a death though listeners will draw their own conclusions on a death toll comparison of 248 to 12.

This episode is dedicated to offering solidarity to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. 

In stark contrast to this story we are also bringing you the opportunity to bring a slice of humanity to this world. We will be highlighting the plight of Dan Gymer - an 8 year old with level 5 Celebral Palsy and his family need him to have an operation which is not available free on the NHS. Let's give this fella a chance.

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #HusamZomlot #Israel #WarCrimes #HumanRightsWatch #CelebralPalsy #GoFundMe #HusamZomlot #Israel