So, 100 days into the Biden Presidency and there are favourable reports coming out across America with its people largely supportive of progress developing under the Biden Presidency. We will be speaking to a Democrat Organiser to get his view on the first 100 days.

We then go deep in the Eastern Mediterranean and over to Cyprus to speak with Municipality Leader Cemil Saricizmeli who gives a frank assessment on what happened in Geneva this week and also touches on how he got involved with politics.

In other news British Gas has sacked 100s of its gas engineers because they did not yield to bullying behaviour from their executives to sign fire and re-hire contracts on lesser terms and conditions in what will go down as a shameful episode in the history of this once great firm. Solidarity to all these workers #StoptheBritishGasFire

#POTUS #JoeBiden #Cyprus #ErsinTatar #NicosAnasdadiades #DominicRaab