In this episode, our guest is Susie Carder. There are always those cool stories you hear about people who like to call rags to riches, and we love those stories and what they write about these things. It's all about how successful people make shift happen. This person has had multiple shift moments that have created something cool for the world, not only for themselves but also for other entrepreneurs. Susie is an entrepreneur, profit coach, speaker, and author. One of her books is Power of Profit, which we will talk about today. Susie's going to share the beginnings of her career with us, how he rosed to the top, and how you can make your business work for you instead of working for your business.


[5:27] Why should we listen to you?

I worked my self up to the big time. I came from nothing, and my Dad said, "when you're 18, you move out, go get a job, and you go get a husband". Knowing how to do both, I turned my life around.

I knew that I wanted something different for my life. I wanted something different for myself. There was nothing wrong with where I was brought up. I just knew that there was something more inside. 

I wanted to do a legacy for my children.  My children became my Why because I didn't want my children to experience the output I experienced where there were trauma and abuse. I found myself in a similar situation where I repeated my past in which I don't want my children to grow up.

I didn't want my kids to grow up poor, so I had to figure out how to make money because I had no child support and alimony. My picker was off, and I got that hustle muscle. From an early age, my Dad said, "You want money. Go get it". He gave me my work ethic.


[8:37] What is the lesson you've learned?

Knowing that anything's possible if you believe. I didn't have academia or resources, but I did have the ability to be a hustler. I just never gave up because I didn't have an option to give up. And I didn't have a backdoor.

[11:44] What are some of the brightest moments you've had?

I got rejected by our publisher. It was the only publisher in that industry, and they passed on my book. So I started my own publishing company, and not knowing what to do, I just knew that nobody's going to tell me no. So I created my own publishing company and turned that company into a $10 million company and then sold it to the original publisher who rejected me.

[14:45] Ego

I think our ego in business gets in our way of accomplishing the result because we have to be right, but we're not going to be right all the time

[15:57] What do you hope to take away from your book?

It's always been entrepreneurs or small business owners who want to build a seven or eight-figure business. It's for entrepreneurs that really want to create a legacy play. You can make money to create a legacy play. I can't just be creating a legacy if I'm not creating results inside of the world.

It's great to get and build the foundation. From all my years of working with other experts, I'm not the original content of it all. I've put it into simplified language that helped me build multimillion-dollar businesses to go about the best practices that I've gathered over 35 years of being in business by doing it wrong and doing it right.


[18:42] Which chapter did you enjoy writing the most?

Chapter eight, which is Math is money. Money is fun because I sucked at it. I sucked at it. I was so bad at business math and math n general. I was so bad that I would have to close my checking account and open a new one because I couldn't balance it

So Math is money. Money is fun. It's just a way to we all love what money can do for us, the freedom that it provides.  We need to harness it and understanding the specific things we need to do, like pricing your services.


[20:43] What is the difference between being in business and being a business?

15% of our financial success is your technical ability. It's who you are as your vocation and what you do as a service. That's working in my business versus on my business. The other 85% is managing a business. If you can't go away on vacation, if you can't have a day off or if you do take a day off, and you're working five times harder after,  then you don't own a business. You own a job.

I think the lessons that come to you wrapped in sandpaper are some of the best lessons. They're not pretty nor glamorous, but those are the times where we learn and that define us. I made some horrible mistakes and stupid decisions, but I didn't know. So let me use those lessons to help you or another entrepreneur. I think those are the character-defining moments and the things that build us as business people.

We have to charge because we start invalidating the value that we bring if we don't charge.  We start asking questions like, "Am I worth it? Is it worth it? Who's gonna pay me?" Well, that's your own limiting belief in your upper limit conversation so let's break that.


[25:59] Which was your least favorite chapter to write?

I would say the end because there was so much more. There's so much more like we're just scratching the surface because how can you put 35 years in just one book?


[28:00] What promise did God make to the world when He created you?

I would say that my gift from God is my life. My gift back to God is what I do with my life. I'm truly here to help people see their greatness and monetize what they're up to in the world.

Key Quotes:

[13:12-13:17] "Don't let your lack of resources stop you from the opportunity."

[24:09-24:16] "We have to be paid the value that we're worth to live a life so that we can continue doing the work we're put here to do."

Learn more about Susie and her work at

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