In this episode, Loren Michael Harris, a Keynote Speaker, author, musician and, life coach, joins the discussion. Perceiving all things are built upon the foundation of truth, Loren continuously seeks the answer of unlocking the fears that have accumulated inside of ourselves. Loren shares with us his philosophy of life and his life experiences.

[08:25] Identity and Philosophy

At the age of 52, I find that more life can be found behind me than in front of me. It dawned on me how I used to mask the scars plastered on my body. I faced the fear and exuded pride, for these scars represent the experience I went through. For every single scar, I found a heartbeat that symbolizes a story.

[09:59] I used to be afraid of questions, but I reinvented blame at that moment. I blamed the abuse that I encountered. Many of us only see the things that have gone bad in our lives. We think everything is wrong when, in fact, it is all about purpose, faith, being in services, and all the IN words – Instinct, Intuitiveness, Integrity, Insight, etc.

[13:34] Coaching

My coaching career’s success comes from a model based on the client doing the work while we provide the stages. Everything that I have accomplished is built around the relationships that I have accumulated. 

[14:49] Most coaching programs would set dates on what you do on a particular day, but there is no calendar with that.

[16:34] Life Experiences and Lesson

I prevented my wounds from healing foor many reasons over the years through self-sabotage and low self-esteem. When I decided to leave my drug addiction behind, a voice told me that leaving it does not mean it will let me go – it said to me that I would be destroyed.

[17:29] I was about to sign the most significant contract of my career when a piece of news came up of me committing a crime. No one ever came and decided to listen to my story. Everything was stacked against me right when I thought everything was fine.

[21:45] The only way I could have walked out is through sabotaging my innocence. As we go, we grow, and to fix it; we face it.

[26:07] What promise did God make to the world, when He created you?

To always seek the truth. It is the only guaranteed thing in the universe that will never change on you.

Key Quotes:

09:27 – 09:33 “There were never mistakes in my universe. Blessings are always there in the process of becoming.”

11:29 – 11:22 “It always feels like I am playing the shell game of life.”

21:57 – 22:00 “Ignorance is nothing more than not knowing.”


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