In today’s episode, we have Joel Matthew from Beyond Academics to change how we see the education system as we know. Join us and learn more about their company Beyond Academics. 

[6:00] Why should anybody pay attention to you?

The system is broken, we made a way to change the basic education. What we are doing is set a new landscape on what people are doing.

[8:25] Do kids need to go to college? 

Now things are different, kids change the way they want to be from what kids way back want to be. Some dreams do not require formal education. 

[11:55] What do you see education going towards?

During the pandemic, schools and universities had to go digital which made them more like a zoom university. Universities are not going to survive if they are not going to adapt to technology. 

[13:50] What about educators? 

Educators need to adapt on how the technology goes. Comfortability is one of the reasons why educators fail to innovate on how things go. 

[16:47] Beyond Academics

It revolves to 4 areas; one is consultancy, second aspect is Leadership, having people engaged third aspect is building up an authentic community and the fourth thing is incubator, looking to the project into entrepreneurial. 

[22:59] Where do you hope the company would become like? 

We hope to change the universities think. We can help universities think more “entrepreneur-ly”

[25:10] What was God’s promise to the world when he made you?

To change the world, God made me to change the world.


[10:55 -11:00] “Learning should be lifelong”

[20:10-20:22] “The jobs of tomorrow don’t exist today”

Learn more about Joel Matthew on:


Podcast: “The Future X” Podcast