Coming to the realization that you are going through the motions on a daily basis is the first step in taking your life from fine to amazing. Actually making that shift is a completely different story. Changing career paths, especially when you are very comfortable where you are, is terrifying and takes a large amount of courage. My guest today, Amy Perkins, is a shining example of someone who exemplifies that courage. Amy was a teacher for 25 years before branching out to totally reinvent herself and her life. Her goal is to help others have the courage to dream bigger and change their lives. Push through the fear of failure and achieve your big dreams!

In this episode, we talk about…

Amy’s professional bio and how she got here Realizing that you can take your big dreams from thoughts to action Stepping into a space where you don’t live maxed out Taking consistent action towards reaching your goals Why you shouldn’t hold yourself back from fear Building your own team in order to inspire others Knowing that we all have the power in us to be great Reaching out to others that you admire for advice and knowledge Importance of believing in yourself


Links to resources:

The 5 Second Rule

Check out Amy’s website and podcast:

Keep up with Amy on Instagram and LinkedIn!

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