I always get questions about how I got to this whole aspect of talking about shift. If you’re a first time listener then you probably have no idea who I am. Today I’m going to give you a little bit of the goods through my past. I’ll walk you forward from where I was at to where I am now and how I do what I do. And what I do is travel the world, speak, coach, and talk to people about identity shift and where it falls in to their lives. So stay tuned for all that mumbo jumbo and maybe I can help you make your shift!

In this episode, we talk about…

Anthony’s story Benefits of going through strife and hardships at a young age Aspects that go into developing a self image/identity Investing time to become an expert in anything Redirecting the skills that you already have Staying out of your own head Perspective turning hardship into a gift Do something that you don’t know through micro actions Choosing that your future life is worth more than the ego you have right now


To get a free resource right now on how to own your shift, visit http://www.ownyourshift.net