In today’s episode, our guest is Dr. Bill Dorfman, Owner of the Century City Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a Celebrity Cosmetic Dentist, seen on Extreme Makeover & The Doctors, Author of New York Times Bestselling book Billion Dollar Smile, Co-Founder of LEAP Foundation. Bill is known in his profession as an energetic inventor and brilliant entrepreneur who has introduced award-winning inventions to the world of dentistry. Today, he will share with us how he became widely recognized worldwide as a leading dentist responsible for creating smiles for many of Hollywood’s brightest stars.

[7:21] Why should people listen to you?

Because I am 62, and I have done many things. I teach a non-profit motivational leadership program every year at UCLA called Leading Leap. It is a program for high school and college students ages 15 – 25 where we teach them the skills to succeed in life.

[11:10] What helps get past the stage?

I never fail. If I try something and it does not come out the way I wanted to, that is not a failure. It is Practice. Stop thinking you will fail. Do it again and again until you succeed. Never quit. What you need to do when you are not getting the results you want is finding a mentor and finding out what you are doing wrong to make it right.

[15:42] What is the secret to life, and what drives you?

I grew up poor. When we started making money, my company and I grew to discuss dentally. When you ask me what drives me, I am hungry for education, learn so you can earn, and then return.

[23:09] What do you hope people will say when it is all said and done?

I had a very impactful teacher when I was in high school. I am still friends with her. She is exactly 30 years older than me. And she always said, if you leave this earth without having made it better, shame on you, that’s my goal. When I leave my kids, my friends, I want to make sure that people who know me say he made a difference. And I think that is the most remarkable thing about being successful; it is sharing your success with others.

Key Quotes

[11:47-11:55] “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes permanent.”

[15:44-15:53] “Learn to earn, and then return. That’s what makes life complete.”

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