In today’s episode, we have David Nurse who is an NBA life and optimization coach, future bestselling author. He’s here today to talk about pivoting and go in life, share his experiences, and help us go through our doubts within us. 

[7:55] Why should anybody listen to you?

I come from a state of authenticity. I have hard work and that is what gets me to every step of the way. 

[9:03] One moment you can unpack and what you did. 

Every once moment is how I can play in the NBA, I get cut from the team and I was at my lowest. The thing that shifted it is my mom’s quote “when one door closes, 4 opens and entire beach patios overlooking the ocean”.

[12:46] It’s figuring out what is juicing you up in the morning. 

[13:39] How do you do it? 

You need to know what you are going to do; you need to be prepared on what you will overcome. 

You control your mind. Do not let your mind control you. 

[16:07] Amazing moment

When I got called in for the Brooklyn Nets, I got called in to talk to the owner of the team. I did not know everyone close enough but I got to talk to the owner of the team. Instead of looking at that time, I think to bring this knowledge back to the team. 

[19:38] How is everything amidst the situation? 

Everybody is feeling stock and how we are going to pivot in the new normal, I could look into the situation as an opportunity.

[21:22] Where do you see yourself 4 years from now? 

Being a motivational speaker, author, and intact with NBA’s greatest players. 

[24:41] What promise did God make to the world when he made you?

You can find your joy in your daily grind, it is just knowing what you can do and you will see this through David. 


[11:45-11:57] “Have your mission align your purpose.”

[ 10:30-10:45] “When one door closes, 4 opens and entire beach patios overlooking the ocean.” 

Go to for all the books and information regarding David Nurse.