Keeping it real no matter what. As the founder and CEO of LightSpeed VT, Brad Lea has revolutionized the online training world. He has set a standard for how training should be delivered, tracked, and reported on ensuring maximum performance, accountability, retention, and results. Brad is dropping bombs on a wide range of topics that educate, inspire and deliver results that you can leverage to overcome any.

 [14:43] Have you heard of Dropping Bombs?

I've not listened to a complete one but I've kind of a couple like snippets and listen to it before life took over.

[15:17] How did you hear about Dropping Bombs?

A year and a half ago, I was talking to somebody about possibly using your company. Somebody else I worked with called High Tide, a startup kind of company. And at that time, the conversation came about and I don't know how it circled back around this time.

[15:50] Tell us about LightSpeed

LightSpeed is not just selling a course online. It's an actual technology.

[16:21] Light Speed is more of a system than a course. On top of that, you leverage the interactivity to get better engagement, collect data and make offers so that the content itself generates money. You're generating money for the course, and our model, the course, generates money also. We have all the services like marketing and retargeting etc.

Key Quotes:

[18:09-18:29] “You're going to have the ability to use interactivity, which is the key. And on top of it, you're looking to make an impact. While training is the good content repetition, practice, and accountability, there has to be some accountability, there has to be some practice.”

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