In this episode, our guest is Greg Dillon, founding partner of OneTeam Financial, LLC. As someone in the business industry for a long time, Greg is exemplary when it comes to retirement decisions to maximize your savings. Today, Greg will share to us how to plan your retirement and the ways of utilizing your savings and get the most out of it.

[03:43] Why should we listen to you?

We work for people who are preparing themselves to retire or people that are already in retirement. We have seen the good, bad and the ugly and it helps to craft our unique perspective of what a retirement looks like.

[04:12] How did you get into this industry?

I have always been interested to stock market. When I was young, I was a math nerd and started my career on Wall Street working with big clients, asset managers and institutions. I decided to work with individuals on 2012 where I found my passion in helping people. I wanted to establish close interpersonal relationships and be less transactional prior to my career.

[05:34] Education & Preparation for Retirement

Personal finance is not taught in our school systems and in my eyes, it’s precious than other subjects you learn that you never end up using. It’s never too young to start learning saving and you should start reinforcing the habits early, for your kids.

[07:10] Parents should open a Roth IRA account for their kids and utilize the money their kids earned during their summer jobs. They should explain how powerful compound interest is and how it’s going to have a huge impact on their life. Have them buy shares of stock at a company kids are interested in like Disney or Netflix. This way, they will have the reason to follow the stock and learn something from it.

[09:33] Struggle and Overcoming

I was an intern for a financial advisor during my teenage years and I enjoyed it. I went to college, got my degree and started to work on Wall Street. On 2012, my job was replaced by an algorithm, a machine.

[10:10] It was time to step back and think about what I wanted to with my life in the foreseeable future. Working with people was the first on my checklist. 

[11:22] My advice for people who is thinking of making a huge decision on their career, specially to people who do not have income and have no clients, is to join a team that you respect with knowledge and client-base that will help you grow.

[12:48] What sets your team apart from others?

We take a team approach. We believe that you can’t know everything hence we have different experts for different subject matter. We try to build our team with the best class of experts and create a collaborative approach. Our value proposition is to make sure that everything that you have works with one another might it be insurance, income streams, investments and that you have a comprehensive view of everything.


[14:24] I specialize in distribution planning. I help figure out how to draw and maximize your money for retirement.

[17:40] Plan for Retirement

I live a modest lifestyle. I don’t see myself retiring. I could see myself working a couple of days a week.

[18:11] You need to have something that you want to retire to. It might be hobbies or volunteer works, as long as you thought it through, you pull the trigger. We have worked with people who were truly tied to work and when retire, it mentally pressures them as they don’t know what to do.

[22:45] What promise did God made to the world, when He created you?

I would raise my children with family values and help them make a difference in the world with the thing they are passionate about.

Key Quotes:

[10:56 – 11:01] “Without my colleagues, who were also my mentors, I would have not survived.”

[18:06 – 18:10] “Sitting on a couch and watching Netflix is not a plan for retirement.”


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