In this episode, we’re going to acquaint ourselves with that voice in our heads. Honestly, some of the things it says seem illogical . . . even irrational. It has tremendous power over us, though, if it is allowed to prattle on unchecked. If we give that voice much freedom, it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, that voice can actually serve us. But we have to show it who’s boss.

In this episode, you will:

Develop control over that nagging voice in your head Identify the situations you are most likely to self-sabotage in order to avoid them in the future Learn to engage in positive self-talk to eliminate the negative voice

Time Stamped Show Notes:

01:31 There was an article on CNN recently that talked about Uber, if any of you have used Uber . . .

05:02 Aware Appreciation.

07:21 Once we’re starting to make some progress, the voice in your head may get really loud. “Things look great now, but you know that won’t last.”

07:45 How do we recognize this self-sabotage process before it gets some momentum going?

12:52 So, how do you recognize it? How do you begin to cut its power off? First, you prepare in advance.

16:08 One of the ways that we can do this reverse engineering process that I’ve talked to you about is name the voice in your head.

17:48 How do I stay positive even when I feel like I’m forced to do things I don’t want to do?