When we bump up against our fellow humans and overreact, it consumes a TON of energy. We need to learn to deal with these upsets more efficiently so we can stay focused on what matters. One of the things that we have to consider as we learn to manage our anger and emotions is how to allow passion and enthusiasm to be alive and well, while at the same time not feel like it’s got to turn to anger and bullying.

In this episode, you will:

• Learn how to react with intention rather than emotion
• Understand which triggering experiences create negative reactions
• Identify the causes of emotional reactions that escalate negative situations

Time Stamped Show Notes:

01:12 I came across this article from Politico Magazine. I thought it was really interesting because today we are talking about managing emotions and anger management.

04:17 Aware Appreciation.

06:36 Why is it so challenging to live life intentionally and “keep our eye on the ball?”

07:05 In the world of mental health counseling, anger management would be more readily called “managing emotional triggers.”

11:43 Beginning to really understand what’s going on here helps us to accept that awareness is going to require a rational brain.

14:43 It is not possible to have any sort of deep awareness when you are triggered and in fight or flight mode.

16:24 Should I tell my parents I’m gay or just keep it to myself to avoid the risk that they will disown me?