In this episode, you'll hear Steve Farrell, Worldwide Director of Humanity's Team (interviewed by Brian Christopher Hamilton), tell the story of how he and Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series, co-founded Humanity’s Team with the purpose of spreading the message of Oneness, connection, peace and Unity to a global audience.

Humanity’s Team continues to spread this message in several forms, including the creation of the Oneness Declaration (which is available for all to sign on the Humanity’s Team website), hosting the annual Global Oneness Day Summit, and offering transformative educational programs and free events throughout the year. 

In this heartfelt and lively discussion, Steve and Brian talk about the different ways we can deeply connect with the spiritual truth of Oneness in both an intensely personal and also collective way, and then tap into that connection as we move the mission of Oneness forward, so that each and every one of us may be of increasing benefit to ourselves, to humanity, and to the Earth itself.

When Brian talks about his own spiritual transformation and asks Steve about "planting seeds," Steve answers with a bold statement about connection to Oneness not only being about self-realizing but also about saving ourselves.

Saving ourselves from what and toward what end? Listen in to find out more! 

You can learn more about Humanity’s Team and the timeless truth that We Are All One here.

For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video series The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life, go here.  

For instant access to Accelerating Your Evolution Through Science, a free online video series with Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and HeartMath leaders Dr. Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin, go here