The healing needs of our spirit go largely unaddressed by body work, traditional medicine and sometimes even our spiritual path. We look to heal the body, or our situations, but in a lot of cases, it is something deeper that is out of alignment. Our ancestors, or our own helping spirits may be calling us through illness, stress or financial difficulty to take a deeper look inside. What might be needed is medicine for the soul. By responding to the call of our ancestral spirits we receive answers, direction and guidance.  Journeywork and Intuitive Guidance allow us to visit the realm of spirit to receive answers that don't normally occur to us, but are just as important to the way our bodies process as cellular biology.  And heal our situations a lot faster.

After witnessing first hand the transition of so many souls on 9/11, as well as the loss in her community, Cathy realized that a spiritual revolution was necessary to restore peace in the world. For something this awful to happen, we must be very disconnected at our roots.

She founded the Institute for Sacred Activism with Andrew Harvey and was part of the Global Leadership Initiative with Deepak Chopra. Internally, she rediscovered her life long Mediumship ability, her shamanic roots, and started addressing her own shadow. She began writing about what was happening in the world from a spiritual viewpoint.

The insights she gained changed her changed her outlook forever. As she walked through many difficult experiences, Cathy was led to not only believe in and be healed by spirit, but to become it’s representative in the world through her work at the UN.

She has one simple mission – to heal our brokenness (grief and loss) through the power of spirit, and restore our connection to ourselves, and the earth.