The fundamental concept behind quantum jumps presents a radical new paradigm: that we exist in an interconnected holographic multiverse in which we literally jump from one parallel universe to another. Cynthia Sue Larson, author of the best-selling book, “Quantum Jumps,” discusses recent findings emerging from the convergence of research findings in physics, biology, and psychology that together reveal insights into a possible explanation for the increasingly powerful placebo effect, spontaneous remissions and instantaneous healing.Cynthia’s website has compiled one of the most extensive collections of first-hand reports of reality shifts and quantum jumps in the world, and in this show, Cynthia describes how you can utilize laboratory-tested techniques that have been proven effective to improve happiness, confidence, and relationships.

Cynthia Sue Larson is a best-selling author and life coach who helps talented people struggling with unsatisfying lives find love, meaning, and prosperity. Cynthia's helps people jump into their favorite lives by accessing whole new worlds of possibility. Cynthia has a degree in Physics from UC Berkeley, and practices and teaches meditation and martial arts. She has been featured in numerous shows including the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and BBC. Endorsed by Larry Dossey, Fred Alan Wolf, and Stanley Krippner, her book, "Quantum Jumps," describes the science of instantaneous transformation emerging from the convergence of recent research findings in Physics, Biology, and Psychology. Learn how consciousness changes the physical world with herpopular monthly ezine published through: