You have time for what you make time for in this world. Life happens but at the end of the day, whether it's the job, the gym, that book you've been meaning to finish, or somebody you haven't gotten in touch with for a eventually have to admit that it'll never happen unless you make it happen.

It's nice to catch up and if the next conversation has revealed anything, it's that my friend and mentor, Minneapolis-based, caffeine-fueled, 20+ yr photography veteran and all-around awesome personality David Esquire, of Esquire Photography,  certainly had a lot to catch up on.

 Maybe it had to do with the fact that we hadn't had recorded an episode together in over 3-count'em- YEARS! 


It certainly was a fun time to reconnect with an old friend and fellow creative as we touched on so much from photography, to personal struggles, to looking towards the New Year to come, to gratitude and frankly just about anything we could fit until we realized how long we'd been going...Hahaha!

Things even shifted towards a very intimate a personal reveal from David, which I admittedly hesitated before publishing this episode but David was insistent that I release it as is so I was happy to oblige.

My thanks to David for his time and kind insight.

You can connect with "Sir Esquire" via Instagram or Facebook, keep up with his latest videos via his YouTube channel or check out some of his awesome work via his website.

I do hope you enjoy this exchange as we certainly enjoyed bringing it to you.

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