On today’s episode of Awake & On Purpose Podcast, Jennifer speaks with Greg and Beth Langston about fostering self awareness in teens and young adults, especially in regard to creating a solid foundation for them to decide a college or career path. The journey they lead the youth they work with on includes accountability partners, deep assessments to help them find their core values and beliefs, and a self-discovery journey that aids them in fostering life-long self awareness independent from the adults around them. While Greg and Beth work with teens and young adults, there is wisdom in this episode for everyone, so don’t miss today’s transformative, inspirational episode!

Imagine a tree with a very strong root system. The root system that’s embedded in the ground are your values. And so the trunk is your purpose. And the branches are your goals and your objectives and the fruit of all your efforts. And so in life, kids and all of us are going to have the challenges of storms that push against the tree. If we have a strong foundation, if our values are strong, if our core beliefs are strong and they’re embedded in the Earth, they’re not going to be toppled over.

Greg Langston

For the last 20 years, Beth and Greg have empowered students to master their self-discovery, allowing them to successfully activate their life’s purpose. 

Beth, who graduated from Purdue University in Education, has guided hundreds of high school students worldwide to navigate the dreaded college applications essay process with tremendous success. Greg also graduated from Purdue’s Krannert School of Business. Greg pursued an international business career which allowed him to mentor hundreds of young professionals while leading businesses over $1 billion and working in 65 countries. By the time their kids were 13, they had been to 12 schools and lived in 5 countries.

If you would like to learn more about the Langstons and connect with them, please find them at http://collegeflightplan.com/.

To learn more about how you can achieve a fulfilled life, live your purpose and make an impact as a mission-driven leader, visit us at https://jenniferspor.com, and while you’re there be sure to join Awake & On Purpose: The Community to connect, collaborate, and grow in business and life with others who are like-minded!

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